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Cobrança justa de dívidas: Um devedor de meia-idade, do sexo masculino, com um casaco cor de azeitona, olha pela janela com preocupação.

Fair debt collection: The person behind the debt.

4 min.
The central question in responsible debt collection is: How do we handle defaulting consumers? As EOS demonstrates, there is more than one good answer to this question.
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NPL Directive: EOS is working intensively on its implementation

EOS successfully implements provisions of the NPL Directive

5 min.
EOS shows how the provisions of the NPL Directive are being implemented locally by its national subsidiaries.
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Marwin Ramcke, CEO, está numa sala iluminada e veste um fato azul, tendo a mão direita no bolso das calças.

Interview: EOS Board on the 2023/24 financial year

7 min.
The EOS Board on the 2023/24 financial year: How business has developed in the regions, why sustainability remains a key focus area, and how EOS is optimally prepared for the future.
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ESG: EOS has a clear agenda for environmentally conscious and socially responsible action. Corporate Responsibility experts see to it that the strategy is being implemented in the national companies.

ESG experts promoting sustainability at EOS internationally

4 min.
Commitment to strategy: Sustainability is becoming a success factor for financial companies. ESG experts at EOS are driving environmentally conscious and socially responsible action internationally.
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Unsecured receivables: Image shows two people looking at an invoice together.

Unsecured receivables: How EOS stabilizes companies.

3 min.
Whether they are a bank, energy utility, telecoms or e-commerce firm, EOS helps businesses from a wide range of sectors to reliably plan ahead by purchasing their unsecured receivables.
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Kollecto+ is the digital collection system of EOS.

Digital debt collection system: The success story of Kollecto+

3 min.
Almost half of EOS national subsidiaries work with Kollecto+. The digital collection system is making great strides and offers customers and consumers alike many benefits.
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CEO Vladislav Hadjidinev in a blue suit and Katerina Bosevska Managing Director of EOS North Macedonia in a light blue blazer standing next to each other in a office with a red wall

Uni Banka cooperates with EOS in receivables management.

3 min.
Win-win: EOS North Macedonia is taking on Uni Banka’s receivables management in the long term. The collaboration doesn’t just benefit the two companies but also the country’s economy.
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Headshot of Stephan Ohlmeyer, member of the EOS Board, and Jan Ottenbreit, Head of Division Central Europe.

New EOS region Central Europe: “We’re creating openness to new goals”

3 min.
Better knowledge transfer and greater openness to new business areas are what EOS aims to achieve with the new Central Europe region.
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IFC representatives visited the EOS Group in Hamburg, celebrating the cooperation in the Polish market and solidifying the commitment to sustainable investments.

ESG criteria: EOS and IFC pursue sustainable portfolio acquisition

3 min.
In Poland and southeastern Europe, IFC (International Finance Corporation) and EOS apply strict ESG criteria covering social and environmental aspects when buying NPL portfolios.
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Cybersecurity expert Janusch Skubatz, Chief Information Security Officer of the EOS Group, with brown hair and white shirt

Not sure about generative AI? The balance between innovation and risk.

4 min.
Generative AI offers companies enormous potential. The Otto Group reduces these risks with its in-house ogGPT tool. The EOS Group also benefits from this.
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One illustration shows a robot or chatbot holding up various charts and texts, as well as several employees working on computers and asking the chatbot questions.

How generative AI is taking over routine tasks in the financial sector

3 min.
Already, generative AI can handle a lot of typical tasks in financial services companies. EOS is testing how chatbots can reduce employee workload even more and improve their efficiency.
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Uma fotografia mostra um edifício degradado em Režanci, na Croácia. Um "ativo irrecuperável" que a EOS Croatia está a colocar de novo no mercado.

Stranded assets: EOS creates solutions for unusable real estate.

2 min.
The number of unusable properties is growing, partly as a result of increasing requirements for sustainability. EOS is developing new areas of expertise to bring stranded assets like these back onto the market.
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A fotografia de grupo mostra os Diretores da EOS (da esquerda para a direita) Andreas Kropp (Alemanha), Justus Hecking-Veltman (Finanças), Marwin Ramcke (Diretor Executivo), Carsten Tidow (Europa de Leste) e Dr. Andreas Witzig (Europa Ocidental).

2022/23 fiscal year: The Board of the EOS Group takes stock.

4 min.
In this interview, the members of the Board of the EOS Group talk about the positive developments in fiscal 2022/23, employees, diversity, and the responsibility of debt collection companies.
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A cibersegurança tem a mais alta prioridade para a EOS. Para isso, a empresa está implementando um escudo de proteção internacional.

EOS Group relies on cutting-edge technology for data protection.

2 min.
Using cutting-edge technology, EOS protects the data of customers and consumers from attacks by criminals. The new cyber-shield “Iron EOS” makes this an even faster and more efficient process.
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A man and a woman having a relaxed-looking conversation, as a symbolic image of a corporate culture where employees have autonomy.

Empowerment: How EOS attracts and retains employees.

3 min.
Supporting and encouraging people ensures growth: EOS has created numerous programs that enable employees to grow both personally and professionally.
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A foto mostra Cristian Musat, Diretor-Geral da EOS International BVG e o “cérebro” do projeto Kollecto+.

Debt collection software: More efficiency thanks to standardized system.

2 min.
In the Kollecto+ collection system, all EOS companies pool their knowledge and experience, and in doing so improve the efficiency of the entire Group.
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 A graphic shows several people communicating with each other through email, conversations, and letters.

How EOS makes debt collection responsible and fair.

3 min.
EOS stands for fair and respectful receivables management. The debt collection company accomplishes this with technology that simplifies processes for consumers and with trained staff.
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Uma foto mostra mãos movendo figuras de alunos em um tabuleiro de jogo. Abaixo, está o texto: Educação financeira: Quem aprende a lidar com o dinheiro desde cedo está melhor protegido contra o superendividamento no futuro.

Financial literacy: How EOS is committed to improving financial skills.

4 min.
A lack of financial education can accelerate the path to excessive personal debt, especially among young people. With its debt collection expertise, EOS supports financial literacy programs that aim to counter such developments.
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A photomontage shows a car traveling toward the sunset in the right lane of a paved road in an open, green landscape. The asphalt on the opposite lane is completely worn down.

International debt collection: EOS handles receivables management globally for Hertz.

3 min.
Cross-border receivables present both logistical and legal challenges. Car rental company Hertz relies on the expertise of EOS for its international debt collection.
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An illustration shows a man and a woman in business attire shaking hands. In the background is a globe with several locations pinned on it – and a stylized income statement.

International debt collection: How EOS processes receivables worldwide.

3 min.
EOS is active in 180 countries with its own companies or selected partners. Banks that regularly sell cross-border debts to EOS also profit from this network.
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Annual and Sustainability Report 2023/24

Very good results in challenging times: In its 50th anniversary year, the EOS Group looks back on a demanding and successful financial year 2023/24. All key figures, business highlights and exciting throwbacks to 50 years of EOS as well as achievements and highlights of the EOS Group's commitment to its social, societal and environmental responsibility can be found in this year's annual and sustainability report.
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Plano de Prevenção de Riscos de Corrupção

A Corrupção é uma problemática que atualmente subsiste em toda a sociedade. Como tal, trata-se de um dever de todos contribuir para o combate a este problema.

Neste sentido, a EOS Portugal emitiu o seu Plano de Prevenção de Riscos de Corrupção, um instrumento fulcral para identificar situações em que possam existir riscos de corrupção e aplicar as respetivas medidas de mitigação necessárias. Chamamos a tua atenção aos seguintes pontos:

  1. O Plano de Prevenção de Riscos da Corrupção aplica-se a todos os colaboradores da EOS, independentemente do seu cargo e/ou posição;
  2. São identificadas as situações de risco de Corrupção que a EOS Portugal se encontra exposta, tendo sido classificadas em funções do grau de risco;
  3. Estabelece também os mecanismos de Prevenção e Mitigação das situações de risco de corrupção.
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Press contact

EOS Financial Solutions Portugal , S.A

Av. do Colégio Militar 37F

1500-392 Lisboa
